bhadrapada Nakshatra

Uttarabhadrapada nakshatra (Andromedae). Spread from after 3:20"² up to 16:40 in Meen. Lord Guru, deity Ohibridna, symbol the last i.e. funeral bed. The Star is adorned with serpent-like symbol. It looks like rice, its properties and attributes are like those of Adra, some attributes of Purvabhadrapada also are found. Purvabhadrapada shows signs of contrition and atonement while Uttarbhadrapada shows restrain. From this are to be calculated long distance journeys, renunciation of worldly possessions and mendicancy etc. On the other hand knowledge, learning, good counsel, personality also come within the purview of this star. Anthropomorphically: the sole of the feet of Kalapurush. Those born in the Uttarabhadra star suffer from fluctuation of funds, wise and surrounded by many people. They are affected by the imbalance of bile and always idle. They are prominent amongst their clan, wear jewels, always do constructive jobs, obtain wealth and corns and they are givers. They are endowed with children, religious, winners of their enemies, happy, determined, sexy, learned, great sacrifices, respected in all circles, suffer from various diseases, brave, wise, idle, fickle, possess the signs of fish and til on their private parts and loved by their relatives, They are just and they earn by righteous means.

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